Over $71 Million in Dividends

generated to members

since inception

Massachusetts Retail Merchants Workers’ Compensation Group, Inc.

Group Profile

Serving retailers, suppliers, restaurants and auto services

Over 25% SAVINGS  for eligible businesses
(Upfront savings & dividends. Total savings depends on premium size.)

Group Start Date May 1991*
$24 Million (10/23)
Participating Companies 4,000+
Average Dividend Lifetime average 21%
Excess Insurance Carriers
Lyndon Southern Insurance Co. (A.M. Best: A-) and
Midwest Employers Casualty Co. (A.M. Best: A+)
Accounting EJ Callahan & Associates
Actuary Milliman USA
Administrator Cove Risk Services, LLC
Meet the Board here.

Sponsored by


RAM logo
The Retailers Association of Massachusetts (R.A.M.)
PackStore Logo RGB
The Massachusetts Package Stores Association

Participation in a self-insurance group is not the equivalent of purchasing an insurance policy. Employers should first examine all relevant documents required for participation. Past dividend history is no guarantee of future results. *Cove Risk Services, LLC assumed administration of the Group in November 2011.